Thoughts of the Sixties bring about thoughts of the Kennedys. The only thing I remember is the day John F. Kennedy died, Friday November 22, 1963 at 12:30 PM. I can remember sitting on the sofa while my mom put on my lacy socks when the special report came on. I was three almost four and should have been putting my own socks on. I was lazy or uncoordinated, I don't know which. My brother would have been at school and my sister a six-month-old, probably napping. My memory is that I had on a yellow dress and was getting ready for the birthday party of a neighborhood kid. I may not be remembering it right because I'm not sure a birthday party would have been held on a Friday afternoon. I do remember my mom doing lots of shushing so she could hear the news report. As I grew up I was very interested in reading about the Kennedy kids and was very taken with John-John, who was my age. I think of Jackie, and I think of her marvelous sixties style. President Kennedy never made much of an impression on me. I guess he was gone before I was old enough to notice.
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